In 1993 Journey of the Dunadan became the first album produced by Glass Hammer. A concept album based on J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, it ranges in variety of styles from ballad to metal (with, of course, lots of prog).
"...one of the best available in the market today; it marvelously runs away from others in its genre...to say the least, fantastic!" -Record News, Italy
"This musical journey takes one throughout highs and lows; running from the dark and frightening, to the light and serene." -Neuer Scheinungen, Germany
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A second concept album, loosely based on C. S. Lewis' space trilogy, Perelandra came out in 1994. Bursting with elegance, creativity, and musicianship, Glass Hammer's specific style was starting to develop; enthusiastic reviewers compared it to famous prog artists such as Alan Parson, ELP, and Yes.
"One that has, and would be my pick as prog's great white hope for genuine widespread success is GLASS HAMMER from the U.S.A. On their latest CD "Perelandra" they have found the perfect mix of memorable melodies, great playing chops and intelligent music and arrangements. ...GLASS HAMMER may just be the group to appease all us nostalgic old-timers who feel the golden age of rock music passed away 20 years ago, as well as introducing intelligent rock to a whole new generation of youth.. " -Stratos 'The Executive Inflight Magazine', USA
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To tide fans over until their next epic was completed, Glass Hammer released 1000 copies of a limited-edition compliation of various live recordings in 1997, along with material they had never used for their other albums they named Live and Revived. The discs sold out, and as their fan population grew, the growing demand for the album convinced the band to release it once again. This is the most casual and carefree of the albums, with clips of the band members poking fun at themselves and having fun in between the live songs. If you want to see the Monty Python Side of Steve and Fred, I recommend listening to "Cheese". (You don't want to know how many times this joke has been repeated by my family members...)
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Glass Hammer's third concept album, On to Evermore (1998), had a considerably darker storyline, but lots of highlights musically. With Walter Moore on leading vocals for the first time, Glass Hammer was really starting to make a name for itself.
"The group Glass Hammer has evolved musically over the course of their first three studio albums. This process has culminated in the concept album "On To Evermore"-- a work that encompasses the complete progressive package. Owing some narrative themes to previous releases, Glass Hammer hits a Grand Slam with their new master work and they don't forget to touch all the bases.!" ***** The Progress Report - James Warren
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A great departure from the band's customary grand-scaled epics, Chronometree was released in 2000. This best-selling album is lighthearted and fun, dwelling on prog, the 70's, and pothead who thinks he hears aliens in his music. Guest stars, including Brad Marler on leading vocals and Arjen A. Lucassen and Terry Clouse on lead guitar, rock alongside the usual band, while Steve gets a chance to show off his skill on bass and Fred is throned as Supreme Master of the Keyboards.
"Glass Hammer have once again raised the standard on their pursuit of total musical excellence with their latest effort, Chronometree. Lyrically, the album is more lighthearted and tongue-in-cheek than their previous albums. That's not to say they're doing a "Weird Al"; these boys pulled out all the stops when it came to laying down some all-time classic jams! Overwrought? Perhaps, but they make it work and work well. All hail the mighty GH!" - Tim Kubit, Night Visions Internet Radio
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The Middle Earth Album was quite a change for some fans from the heavy prog of Chronometree when it came out in 2001. From aliens to hobbits, this collection of songs takes its listeners back to the Middle Earth Glass Hammer sang of in their first album, only this time they're actually there. The first half of the album, performed live in the Prancing Pony Inn at Bree, is full of drinking songs of trolls, battles, maidens, and beer, while the other half, was produced in the studio, is more refined in quality, focusing on elves, rangers, Bombadil, and even Gandalf himself. This album found an enthusiastic fan base among Tolkien fans, and although its medieval and celtic influeces show a side of Glass Hammer that may not please every prog fan, it is a must-have for any fan of The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's world.
"It may very well be what Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin witnessed as they stayed at the inn. On the album, the music is rousing, the lyrics pure fun, and the crowd at the inn a jostling bunch that doesn't seem to get their fill of fun. If you want a truly new experience in Middle-earth, a musical example of what Tolkien termed "sub-creation", then grab your headphones, slide the CD in, and join the patrons of The Prancing Pony Inn!" -Jonathan Watson, TolkienOnLine.com
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The next album took Glass Hammer back to epics in fall 2001, and in the grandest way possible. The tale of a young Roman soldier and his quest to find true glory, Lex Rex has awed countless critics with its excellent lyrics and storyline, majestic complexity of sound, and brilliant vocal sections. Steve and Fred shine through with the best work ever; the result is breathtaking.
"My comments on Lex Rex... can be summed up in one sentence: Steve Babb is the TOLKIEN of music!" - Stephanie Rumpza, Progably Insane Magazine
"Glass Hammer has delivered the CD that Yes has been wanting to do for some time" - MJ Brady, Prognosis
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Rather than follow up their previous album's sucess with a Lex Rex II: Son of the Centurion in 2003, the band decided that their next album would not be one of their traditional concept albums. Instead Glass Hammer compiled several songs, including one about a horse that gores people, a cover of Dan Fogelberg's Longer, and finally, their first trademark prog epic to cross the twenty minute line. Soundwise, this album continues where Lex Rex left off, with more complex vocals (that feature the beautiful voice of Susie Bogdanowicz more than ever before!), intricate thematic development, a million dollar pipe organ, and the Adonia String Trio, making Shadowlands a must have for any self-respecting prog fan.
"…a prog paradise for those that desire it . …This band deserves to be huge - make it so!" Dave Shoesmith (CD Services-Scotland)
"Shadowlands is absolutely outstanding!" Jon Yarger Progressive Rock Radio Network
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In case you missed the tremendous performance at NEARfest, Glass Hammer filmed this excellent DVD of their set in 2004, including six songs from Lex Rex, two from Chronometree, and one from Perelandra in addition to a smashing drum solo from Matt Mendians. Along with the filmed show, the band has included over an hour of special features with behind-the-scenes footage of everything from their hotel room practice at NEARfest to brief bandmember interviews, to a clip of young Jon-Michael Babb himself and a fan's bootleg of the NEARfest performance!
"Nowhere else will you hear modern music of this difficulty, performed live to this standard of excellence." - Francis W. Porretto - PalaceofReason.com
"One of the best music DVDs I have had the pleasure to see." - Jem Jedrzejewski - Hairless Heart Herald
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Just when Steve and Fred announced they had no intention of touring in the near future, the tempting bait of NEARfest 2003 was dangled before their eyes. And so after six years of no live appearances they agreed to perform, but only if they made it big: they rounded up a full band to back them up, recruited a 18 member choir, and arranged to play "Portrait" with Rich Williams of Kansas! Walter belts out a spectacular Steve Walsh imitation, but that's only one of the album's highlights: the angelic trio of Susie Bogdanowicz, Flo Paris, and Bethany Warren, the power of the choir, and Fred's perfect keyboard solos are only just a few. Despite the sound check problems at the performance, the recording has been mixed to near perfection, so order a copy today!
"One of the top 5 live CD’s I have ever heard." - Jon Yarger - ProgRadio.net
"This is the definitive Glass Hammer CD, an essential purchase for any fan of keyboard based symphonic prog rock." - Rob LaDuca - President and Co-Founder of NEARfest and NEARfest.com
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When they finished Lex Rex, Glass Hammer took a brief break from concept albums while the fans wonder if they could ever top a story like Lex Rex. The answer to that question is The Inconsolable Secret you'll have to hear to believe. The entire double album is based off of an epic poem (written by Steve) that you can view in the enhanced first disc, along with the lyrics, high res desktop of Roger Dean's album artwork, and clips of some recording sessions. With the Adonia String Trio, bright multivox, glorious choirs, and even more pipe organ, this album combines some of the greatest strengths of Lex Rex and Shadowlands to take musical perfection to a new level.
Surely The Inconsolable Secret is one of the Best Prog releases of 2005, and its grand scope and vintage sounds will carry it over into the hearts of genre fans for years to come... It's well presented, well played, and just an overall classy product put together by a band that is further cementing their lofty status in the annals of American progressive rock. - Pete Pardo, Sea of Tranquility
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This may not be a full blown album, but the band wanted a way for fans to get a hold of all those little tracks they may have missed, whether from the Glass Hammer Adventure CD, registering for the Glass Hammer site, or from the Odyssey compilation with other artists. This album is only available on iTunes.
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